Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Events and Travel Plans for 2008

For the benefit of other AdvancedMD employees who may care, and the morbidly curious, here is a list of the events that I plan to attend this year:

Microsoft Heroes Happen Here - May 20
Free Microsoft swag! They'll be giving away free copies of Windows Server 2008, SQL Server 2008, and Visual Studio 2008. (I wonder if I could trade Window Server 2008 in for a copy of Windows 2000 Server...?)

Utah HIMSS Annual Spring Conference - June 6
It's cheap and it's local. To be honest, I haven't been able to find out exactly what goes on at these things, but for $85 and no flights or hotels, I figure it's worthwhile to find out.

Gartner Enterprise Architecture Summit - June 9-13
In December 2006, I was invited by Microsoft's BizTalk team to give a 15-minute presentation at the Gartner IT Summit in Orlando about how AdvancedMD has incorporated SOA and SaaS concepts to build a successful business. I didn't have an opportunity to attend many other sessions, because I was busy hacking together my presentation, but I was sufficiently impressed by their lineup of speakers and topics that I'd like to check this architecture conference out and see whether Gartner puts on a worthwhile event.

HIMSS MS-HUG Tech Forum - August 26-27
I always learn something from these events in Redmond, beyond Microsoft's sales pitches. Most of the value comes from hearing about the challenges that other HIT people are facing, and how they are dealing with them.

Microsoft PDC '08 - October 27-31
It's been about 10 years since I last attended a PDC. Like most technical conferences targeted at developers, the PDC doesn't have many answers...but it helps you identify the questions so that you can go home and research the answers. Other premier conferences like VSLive offer certain advantages, but I attended VSLive in San Francisco a few years ago, so I'd like to check out the PDC this year.

[Edit: Scratched TEPR from my schedule. I hadn't realized before that Monday, the only day I could go, was a half day, with only the exhibit hall available in the afternoon. Too costly for just a few hours of value.

TEPR 2008 - May 19 TEPR ("Towards the Electronic Patient Record") is, to the best of my knowledge, THE EMR conference to go to. Of particular interest is their EMRCompare program, which allows participants to watch a bunch of EMR vendors demonstrate the basic workflow of their products. The main TEPR conference goes from the 19th through the 21st of May, but I'll only be hitting the first day so that I can get back for... ]


kratka said...

Ok, now that's a little too far. I'll let you beat on Vista all day but Windows Server 2008? Don't make me go over there...On that note, can we get discounts if two of us go to PDC? I'll go as your chaperon :)

Troy Young said...

Yeah, you're right--WS2K8 is pretty sweet...I just have an old Sony Vaio at home that I'm using for a print and file server, and I decided to install an old copy of Windows 2000 Server on it to avoid unnecessary security hurdles. Oh, and it's maxed out at 512MB of RAM. As it turned out, the only hurdles came from my wife's Vista Home Premium Edition PC. Vista is better with SP1, but it's still a pain.