One of the most exciting new features in SQL Server 2008 is the ability to store files and BLOBs directly in the file system, while maintaining transactional consistency with a SQL Server 2008 database. SQL Server 2008’s new FILESTREAM attribute for VARBINARY data type solves the age old dilemma facing developers and IT Pros: Is it better to store files directly in a database or store them in the file system with path and filenames stored back in tables to maintain the relationship with the database?
We've been fighting with this for years, for all of the reasons cited in the blog posting.
It doesn't solve one big problem, though: Some of our customers have multiple gigabytes of images and documents each. Add that to half a gig or more of transactional data, and then multiply that by a few hundred customer databases, and you've got a real challenge storing and moving database backups around.
To paraphrase (and, apparently, misquote) Senator Everett Dirkson, "A terabyte here, a terabyte there, and pretty soon you're talking a lot of data."
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