Friday, May 8, 2009

Engaging with Microsoft

AdvancedMD has been a "Microsoft shop" since our inception back in 1999. Over the years, we've had plenty of opportunities to interact with "the Borg" (or M$, or whatever the kids are calling it these days), and our relationship has taken on several different forms.

At one point, we were one of 50 healthcare vertical ISVs being managed by a guy out of Redmond who helped us secure co-marketing dollars, subsidized training, Toshiba tablets, and other spiffs I can't think of right now. By late 2003, though, we were dropped as a managed account because we weren't a Gold Certified Partner yet...and then the program was morphed into something different altogether, so, by the time we were Gold certified in 2006, there was no program to get back into.

Today, I'm talking with some ISV evangelists at Microsoft to try to get some more focused attention again (and whatever else they'll give us). Since I'm in the middle of that process, I thought it would be interesting to chronicle our past and present experiences with Microsoft, and perhaps provide some useful tips for engaging effectively with such a huge organization.

Over the next few weeks I’ll try to cover topics like these:

  • Certified Partner Program
  • Conferences, summits, MS-HUG Tech Forums…
  • Online resources

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