Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Inaugural Post (or, "Yes, my ego really IS that big...")

So, why is a guy who didn't even "get" blogs a few weeks ago creating his own blog? Great question, and I'm glad you asked.

For over eight years, we've been doing some pretty amazing things at AdvancedMD Software and, as much as we enjoy patting our own backs, it's time to show off a little and give our customers and the outside world a window into our little shop.

Also, some really smart people have told me that I should blog. So, I'll blog.

The first name I came up with for this blog was "AdvancedMD Tech Musings", and that's pretty much what it's all about--just a place to think out loud about where we've been, what we're doing, and where we're going, from my perspective as VP of Techy Stuff (not my official title, but one I like) at AdvancedMD.

So, fasten your seatbelts and keep your hands inside the vehicle at all times. I'll start posting whenever I start thinking something...and that happens more often than my co-workers might believe.

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